Where does a girl on the streets go to find family? In Israel, she goes to Migdal Ohr's Girls Youth Village, Afikei Ohr. These young women and their mentors have been considered one family unit, quarantined together for months.
“After months in quarantine, this was the best week ever! Thank you for helping us celebrate and make it so much fun. - Zohar, 16 years old
Last week, they celebrated the end of the year with a week of fun special activities and a graduation ceremony! The week included pizza making, dance classes, a backyard water park, caricature drawing, and an in-house beach party that the girls set up to look like a beachfront restaurant. The week culminated with a moving ceremony and formal dinner where Rabbi Grossman addressed the girls. He told them how proud he was of all that they have been through and how far they have come.Most of the girls here have come to the Youth Village after being ostracized from their families or kicked out of school. At Afikei Ohr, they find community and the acceptance and love that they have been longing for.

Most of the girls here have come to the Youth Village after being ostracized from their families or kicked out of school. At Afikei Ohr, they find community and the acceptance and love that they have been longing for.